Martin Leslie Colbert
Martin Leslie Colbert (Service No 3608), was born in Dapto, N.S.W.
At enlistment, in Wollongong, N.S.W., he was single, 19 years old and worked as a labourer. Martin listed his sister, Mrs Massey, of Unanderra, N.S.W., as his next of kin.
Martin embarked on HMAT A14 Euripides, with 54th Battalion, 10th Reinforcement, on 31st October 1917. He arrived in England on 26th December 1917, and joined the 54th Battalion in France, on 10th April 1918. Martin saw service on the Western Front and has no wounding on file. He was returned to Australia in July 1919, and discharged on 1st October 1919.
Martin is commemorated for his service, on the Dapto War Memorial, Dapto, N.S.W.
Martin's brother, Walter Colbert (Service No 4457), also served.