Sydney Victor Morris
Sydney Morris (Service No 6565) was born in Brisbane, QLD. He had 2 sisters and had served 3 years in the Senior Cadets. He moved to Jamberoo, NSW where he trained as a butcher. At the time of enlistment in Kiama, Sydney was a single 19 year old butcher.
He embarked on HMAT A40 Ceramic with 21st Reinforcements, 13th Battalion on 7th October 1916 and arrived in England on 21st November 1916. He landed in France on 2nd January 1917 where he joined 13th Battalion.
Sidney Morris was killed in action on 4th February 1917, possibly participating in his first combat. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Australian National Memorial at Villers -Bretonneaux.
Sydney Victor Morris - AIF Project
Sydney Victor Morris - Embarkation Roll
Sydney Victor Morris - Roll of Honour
Sydney Victor Morris - Commonwealth War Grave Commission